In times of crisis, X2nSat Supports Local Businesses
Petaluma, Calif.—In times of crisis, local emergency communications provider, X2nSat, bands together to support their community and local businesses.
Yesterday, Sonoma County released a shelter-in-place order to its residents to combat the spread of COVID-19. Many businesses have now been relegated to remote work until the pandemic is over, but others, like X2nSat, are here to stay.
X2nSat is a local full-service satellite provider headquartered in Petaluma, CA. They have been around since 1996 and have been going strong ever since. Their bread and butter is providing emergency communications for first responders, hospitals, and utility companies, which makes them essential to the ongoing crisis.
“Our business is essential to crisis communications and we have to continue to operate 24 hours a day,” says Garrett Hill, CEO of X2nSat. “We need to be sure we’re around to support our community when they need it.”
The demand for internet capacity is spiking as Corporations, Hospitals, the Government, and Emergency agencies like FEMA start to scale up to deal with the pandemic.
“We are starting to receive calls for services that need to be installed in a few days’ time to support government programs that are being set up to manage COVID-19,” Hill says, “We expect orders to skyrocket over the next couple of months and we will need to double our efforts to be sure our clients get the support they need.”
During this pandemic, X2nSat has taken extra precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of their employees. Most employees have been placed in offices and conference rooms to ensure they are able to keep at least 6 feet away from their coworkers at any given time, hand sanitizing stations have been provided throughout the office, and they even have a device for cleaning germs off of mobile phones.
X2nSat will also support local restaurants that remain open for delivery or curb-side pickup such as Bianchini’s, Beyond The Glory, Lemongrass Thai, Mi Pueblo, and Charley’s Wine Country Deli etc. by placing daily food orders to provide their employees’ lunches, as workers continue to hold down the fort during the COVID-19 pandemic.
With businesses all over the county downsizing to skeleton crews to stay afloat without their usual customer base, it’s important for other businesses that are still operating in the area to reach out and support one another. Whether that be through the purchase of food or other deliverable goods, or providing crucial communications, X2nSat is determined to do both.
“It’s the least we can do,” says Karen Siembieda, Director of Program Management at X2nSat, “Now is the time for us to band together as a community because this lockdown affects all of us and it is important to provide support for local businesses and for our employees, who continue to come to work and ensure we’re providing an essential service to our community.”
X2nSat will continue to operate and support their customers, employees, and local businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.