Hurricane season officially began on June 1st and runs all the way through November 30th. In fact, did you know that we already had our first named storm of this season back in April? Tropical storm Arlene formed in the central part of the Atlantic Ocean and rambled around a bit before dissipating. The forecast for this year’s hurricane season predicts a lower than average number of events, including 11 named storms and 4 hurricanes. That said, do not let this prediction lull you into a false sense of security. It only takes one major hurricane like Sandy in 2012 or Katrina in 2005 to make landfall to wreck havoc and shut-down your business or enterprise for days, weeks, or possible even forever.

Hurricane Katrina making landfall in 2005
Hurricane Katrina making landfall in 2005

Did you know?

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina virtually the only available communication was provided by satellite networks due to over 200 cell towers that were destroyed or disabled. The loss of power and extensive flooding caused extensive damage to ILEC central offices. All of these resources are tied to the same local infrastructure. For some areas it took months to restore service.

Related: The Fury of the Storm: Win the Fight

The key to averting the negative fallout of any disaster scenario is to have an updated business continuity plan in place to insure that your organization can continue to operate and serve your customers in a time of need. People think of hurricanes and tornadoes as these grand events that cause massive disruptions. Indeed these forces of nature can create massive losses of life and property, but more down time and lost productivity is caused by the less lethal, everyday fiber cut. These events happen all the time, but do not make the same kind of headlines. Either way, your organization needs to be prepared and satellite-delivered business continuity should be a part of that plan.

X2nSat Business Continuity

  • Delivers a “path diverse” solution not dependent on the local telecommunications infrastructure.
  • Provides customized and secure back-haul solutions to match seamlessly with existing network infrastructure.
  • Enables automatic fail-over for enterprise data, voice, real-time and other mission critical applications.
  • Offers engineering services and turnkey dedicated satellite solutions, meeting the most stringent design requirements.
  • Delivers a fixed-cost solution with no limitations on usage during extended outages or testing.

x2nsat bc diagram

Related: Business as Usual

When disaster strikes for those who are unprepared, they are at the mercy of inundated crews and the increased traffic and congestion that will occur on surviving terrestrial-based communications systems. Satellite services are completely independent of the local telecommunications infrastructure. This path diverse solution is essentially your insurance policy in the event that any sort of disaster strikes. X2nSat services are live 24x7x365 and can be engaged with a virtual flip of the switch if your primary communication route ever fails. Having this sort of contingency plan in place will give you peace of mind that you will be able to continue to execute your organization’s mission and instill confidence in your customers that you will be there for them, even when disaster strikes.

As the 2017 hurricane season unfolds, do not let unsavory characters like Bret, Cindy or Don keep you up at night wondering if they will be the one to make headlines this year. Contact us for a consultation to learn more about how X2nSat can help put the proper disaster recovery plan in place to ensure that business continuity is never in question for your organization no matter what Mother Nature throws our way.

Related: Plan for the Worst and Hope for the Best